xhost | | Server access control program for X |
xicc | | Load ICC profile into X server |
xidle | | Run a program on X inactivity |
xinit | | X init program |
xinput | | Diagnostic utility for inputs in X |
xisxwayland | | Detect if X server is Xwayland |
xjman | | Japanized X manual from The X Japanese Documentation Project |
xkbcomp | | XKBD keymap compiler |
xkbd | | On-screen keyboard for X, useful for palmtops |
xkbdata | | Xorg keyboard maps and layouts |
xkbevd | | Possible replacement for xev (work in progress) |
xkbprint | | Generate printable description of a XKB keyboard description |
xkbset | | Manages XKB features of the X window system |
xkbutils | | Small utilities utilizing the X11 XKeyboard (XKB) extension |
xkeyboard-config | | X Keyboard Configuration Database |
xkeycaps | | Graphical front-end to xmodmap |
xkill | | Kill X clients |
xlax | | Multi-window input software |
xless | | X11 text viewer; useful as an add-on tool for other apps |
xload | | System load average display for X |
xlockmore | | Like the XLock session-locker/screensaver, but with more |
xlockmore-lite | | lite version of xlockmore |
xlogo | | X Window System logo |
xlogout | | Quick logout button |
xlsatoms | | Lists the interned atoms defined on an X11 server |
xlsclients | | X client listing utility |
xlsfonts | | Lists available fonts |
xlt | | OpenMotif/Lesstif Widget library |
xlupe | | Magnifier for X |
xmag | | Magnify parts of the screen |
xman | | Manual page browser |
xmascot | | Moving mascot on your X-Window screen |
xmem | | Memory and swap meter for X11 |
xmenu | | Menu utility for X11 |
xmessage | | X11 message utility |
xmh | | Provides a GUI to the MH Message Handling System |
XmHTML | | Motif Widget capable of displaying HTML 3.2 conforming text |
xmindpath | | MindPath PocketPoint user-level driver for X11 |
xmodmap | | X modmap program |
xmon | | Interactive X protocol monitor |
xmore | | Plain text display program for X |
xmountains | | Fractal terrain generator for X11 |
xmove | | Move an X11 display between screens and displays |
xmx | | X11 Protocol Multiplexor |
xneko | | Classic BSD4.4 cat-and-mouse |
xnodecor | | Borderless or undecorated window support utility |
xnotify | | Read notifications from stdin and display them on the screen |
xorg-cf-files | | Xorg imake rules |
xorgproto | | Various X headers from Xorg X11 |
xosd | | Library to display shaped text on your X display |
xp | | Fast X11 text file viewer using Athena widgets |
xpad | | Sticky notes application for GTK+ 2.0 |
xpaste | | Display the content of the X11 paste buffer in a window |
xpenguins | | Little penguins walking along the tops of your windows |
xphoon | | Set the root window to the moon in its current phase |
xplanet | | Rotating rendered map of the Earth in X11 root window |
xpmicons | | Huge collection of icons for any windowmanager |
xpns | | Petri-Net Simulator for Xwindows |
xpostit | | Post notes to yourself on the screen |
xpr | | Formats xwd dump files as output for various types of printers |
xprop | | Property displayer for X |
xrandr | | Primitive command line interface to RandR extension |
xrdb | | X server resource database utility |
xrectsel | | Print the geometry of a rectangular screen region |
xrefresh | | X Refresher |
xrestop | | X11 clients' server-side resource usage monitor |
xroach (V) | | Cockroaches hide under your windows |
xrootconsole | | Windowless XConsole |
xscope | | Tool to monitor X11/Client conversations |
xscreensaver | | Screen saver and locker for the X window system |
xscribble | | Handwriting recognition (like graffiti) |
xscript | | X Window system script recording and playback |
xsel | | Manipulate the X selection |
xservers | | Old X11 servers for use under XFree86 4.x |
xset | | X11 user preferences utility |
xsetroot | | X root window parameter setting program |
xsm | | X Session Manager |
xsnow | | Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop |
xss-lock | | Use external locker as X screen saver |
xst | | st fork that adds support for Xresources |
xstdcmap | | Selectively defines standard colormap properties |
xtar | | View and manipulate the contents of a tar file |
xteddy | | Cuddly teddy bear for your desktop |
xterm | | Latest terminal emulator for the X Window System |
xtermcontrol | | Dynamic control of xterm properties |
xtermset | | Change things like foreground color, size etc. on an xterm |
xtimer (V) | | Super simple digital timer for X11 |
xtoolwait | | Free implementation of SunOS toolwait(1) |
xtrace | | Trace communication between X11 client and server |
xtrans | | Network API translation layer to insulate X |
xtrlock | | Simple X11 screen lock tool |
xtruss | | Easy-to-use X protocol tracing program |
xvattr | | Modify Xv attributes |
xvidcap | | Capture X display to individual frames or MPEG video |
xvidtune | | Client interface to the X server video mode extension |
xview | | OpenLook Toolkit meta-package |
xview-clients | | OpenLook applications and man pages |
xview-config | | OpenLook Toolkit config files |
xview-lib | | OpenLook Toolkit libs, includes, and man pages |
xvinfo | | Query X-Video capabilities |