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xhost Server access control program for X
xicc Load ICC profile into X server
xidle Run a program on X inactivity
xinit X init program
xinput Diagnostic utility for inputs in X
xisxwayland Detect if X server is Xwayland
xjman Japanized X manual from The X Japanese Documentation Project
xkbcomp XKBD keymap compiler
xkbd On-screen keyboard for X, useful for palmtops
xkbdata Xorg keyboard maps and layouts
xkbevd Possible replacement for xev (work in progress)
xkbprint Generate printable description of a XKB keyboard description
xkbset Manages XKB features of the X window system
xkbutils Small utilities utilizing the X11 XKeyboard (XKB) extension
xkeyboard-config X Keyboard Configuration Database
xkeycaps Graphical front-end to xmodmap
xkill Kill X clients
xlax Multi-window input software
xless X11 text viewer; useful as an add-on tool for other apps
xload System load average display for X
xlockmore Like the XLock session-locker/screensaver, but with more
xlockmore-lite lite version of xlockmore
xlogo X Window System logo
xlogout Quick logout button
xlsatoms Lists the interned atoms defined on an X11 server
xlsclients X client listing utility
xlsfonts Lists available fonts
xlt OpenMotif/Lesstif Widget library
xlupe Magnifier for X
xmag Magnify parts of the screen
xman Manual page browser
xmascot Moving mascot on your X-Window screen
xmem Memory and swap meter for X11
xmenu Menu utility for X11
xmessage X11 message utility
xmh Provides a GUI to the MH Message Handling System
XmHTML Motif Widget capable of displaying HTML 3.2 conforming text
xmindpath MindPath PocketPoint user-level driver for X11
xmodmap X modmap program
xmon Interactive X protocol monitor
xmore Plain text display program for X
xmountains Fractal terrain generator for X11
xmove Move an X11 display between screens and displays
xmx X11 Protocol Multiplexor
xneko Classic BSD4.4 cat-and-mouse
xnodecor Borderless or undecorated window support utility
xnotify Read notifications from stdin and display them on the screen
xorg-cf-files Xorg imake rules
xorgproto Various X headers from Xorg X11
xosd Library to display shaped text on your X display
xp Fast X11 text file viewer using Athena widgets
xpad Sticky notes application for GTK+ 2.0
xpaste Display the content of the X11 paste buffer in a window
xpenguins Little penguins walking along the tops of your windows
xphoon Set the root window to the moon in its current phase
xplanet Rotating rendered map of the Earth in X11 root window
xpmicons Huge collection of icons for any windowmanager
xpns Petri-Net Simulator for Xwindows
xpostit Post notes to yourself on the screen
xpr Formats xwd dump files as output for various types of printers
xprop Property displayer for X
xrandr Primitive command line interface to RandR extension
xrdb X server resource database utility
xrectsel Print the geometry of a rectangular screen region
xrefresh X Refresher
xrestop X11 clients' server-side resource usage monitor
xroach (V) Cockroaches hide under your windows
xrootconsole Windowless XConsole
xscope Tool to monitor X11/Client conversations
xscreensaver Screen saver and locker for the X window system
xscribble Handwriting recognition (like graffiti)
xscript X Window system script recording and playback
xsel Manipulate the X selection
xservers Old X11 servers for use under XFree86 4.x
xset X11 user preferences utility
xsetroot X root window parameter setting program
xsm X Session Manager
xsnow Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop
xss-lock Use external locker as X screen saver
xst st fork that adds support for Xresources
xstdcmap Selectively defines standard colormap properties
xtar View and manipulate the contents of a tar file
xteddy Cuddly teddy bear for your desktop
xterm Latest terminal emulator for the X Window System
xtermcontrol Dynamic control of xterm properties
xtermset Change things like foreground color, size etc. on an xterm
xtimer (V) Super simple digital timer for X11
xtoolwait Free implementation of SunOS toolwait(1)
xtrace Trace communication between X11 client and server
xtrans Network API translation layer to insulate X
xtrlock Simple X11 screen lock tool
xtruss Easy-to-use X protocol tracing program
xvattr Modify Xv attributes
xvidcap Capture X display to individual frames or MPEG video
xvidtune Client interface to the X server video mode extension
xview OpenLook Toolkit meta-package
xview-clients OpenLook applications and man pages
xview-config OpenLook Toolkit config files
xview-lib OpenLook Toolkit libs, includes, and man pages
xvinfo Query X-Video capabilities